Dashboard Login URL: https://mr.iptv.uno (old Dashboard: https://sensustv.xdns.pro)
 Username is your Email address

Manage Lines

Manage your Subscription, you can choose different options e.g.: Extend your existing Subscription or buy a new one through our Instant Crypto Payment Gateway.

Firewall (Force Countries)

In order to secure your line and prevent hackers, please activate this security option as soon as possible.

force countries

Bouquet List (edit channel list)

Choose the Country/Groups you like or hide countries you don’t want to see on your channel list, e.g. hide adult content.
This feature is helpful when your device e.g. SMART TV has limited cache/memory.

Bouquet List

m3u (http link or download)

Choose m3u WITH OPTIONS (m3u plus) in order to sort everything well in Country/Groups.

Generate your Xtream Codes (XC) login based on your http m3u link.

What’s the best choice ?
HLS or MPEGTS – First option should be MPEGTS with OPTIONS.

Mag Box OR device with Portal URL

We do not recommend to use MAG box anymore, best is to use an Android box in combination with m3u.

If you have a MAG box OR another device which require a portal URL, you can add your MAC address OR (mac)ID to the Dashboard.

Once MAC has been added, you will get a UNIQUE PORTAL URL, add this to your device and reboot it.
(Sometimes it’s helpful to remove power cable.)

add mag mac


If your Lines does not work properly,
e.g. If your line show 0 Channels and/or no Groups from the Bouquet List, then use the Diagnose Line function to check and repair the line.

Report Channel

If a channel has an issue like No Sound, No Picture, Is Down or Wrong Channel, you can easily report this channel issue to technical team directly which enable them to fix the problem as soon as possible.

report channel or epg


Within your Dashboard, you’ll find your EPG links with copy paste function, you’ll get http links and .xml or .gz files based on your required Country.

Alternatively you can generate your own xmltv http link, EPG for all countries based on your m3u line.

Free VPN

We provide free VPN for nearly all Systems which might help to bypass ISP throttling or ISP blocks and speed limitations.